“People are using Vitamins & Minerals no longer as an adjunct to diet, but as medicines in their own right”
What is HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis)?
HTMA is a safe and non-invasive pathology test. It measures the levels and comparative ratios of nutrient and toxic minerals found in hair for crucial minerals like magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, zinc and copper. It also tests for toxic metals like mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and aluminum- all of which can create massive health issues. Because minerals work synergistically, HTMA’s main focus is the ratios of the main minerals. The ratios show us metabolism, thyroid health, adrenal health, hormonal balance, blood sugar balance, and cardiovascular health.
How do I test?
A test kit will be forwarded to you with complete instructions on how to provide a hair tissue sample. You simply collect your sample, mail it directly to the lab with the envelope provided, and a report will be forwarded to our office with your lab results. Your lab report will be analyzed and a phone, Skype, or in office consultation will be scheduled. Although the lab report will include levels and ratios, it is imperative that you consult with an HTMA expert, who is skilled in analyzing your specific levels, ratios, symptoms and lifestyle considerations. Note: while waiting for lab results, our office will forward you a health and lifestyle questionnaire to complete and return. This questionnaire will give us a better understanding as to your healing needs.
Consultations are approximately 30 minutes in duration.
What is your philosophy on healing protocols?
I believe that good health and healing is rooted in nurturing your lifestyle through great nutrition, exercise, rest, relaxation and mindfulness. Our bodies are designed to heal with proper attention and nutrition. My first approach to healing is a "Whole Foods" based approach. Mineral deficiencies should be addressed first by eating a mineral rich diet, if at all possible. There are circumstances with mineral deficiencies and imbalances where supplementation may be required to help support the healing process. With proper nutrition, ample movement, rest, relaxation and mindfulness, your body has what it needs to start healing.
How do I order an HTMA test?
Simply click here and you will be directed to our consultation store or click on “Gigi’s store” tab above.
For additional questions, please email me at agigistory@gmail.com