Gentle Meadows

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Gigi's Favorite Lacto-Fermented Cauliflower


The process of lacto-fermentation occurs when the starches and sugars within the vegetables are converted to lactic acid by the friendly bacterial, lactobaccilli. So “lacto” in lacto-fermentationrefers to this production of lactic acid.


The process of natural bacteria feeding on the sugar and starch in the produce creates lactic acid that acts as a natural food preservative. This process also creates beneficial enzymes, b-vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, and various strains of probiotics. #healthygut


Cauliflower is one of my favorite vegetables to ferment.  It is so simple that you can get your kids involved in the process.  I actually prefer to eat my Cauliflower fermented as opposed to eating it raw.  It's just easier to digest and I get all the friendly bacterial benefits.


1 head of Organic Cauliflower (1 head makes approximately 2 quarts)

1 Tablespoon of Natural Salt (Pink, Celtic, etc.)

1 Quart of Filtered Water (click here to see my post on choosing a water filter)

Organic Spices - optional (dill, caraway, peppers, etc.)


Slice Cauliflower into any size florets you prefer and place into 1 quart "widemouth" mason jars (or a fermenting jar of your choice).  Only fill the jars about 3/4 of the way full of florets leaving room for water and a fermentation weight.

Add any herbs or spices that you like.  I always add dill and dried organic red chili peppers.

Add approximately 1 tablespoon of salt to 1 quart of filtered water and let the salt dissolve.  The rule of thumb for vegetable ferments is 1-3 tablespoons to 1 quart of water.  I have found that 1 tablespoon is usually enough, but if you like a more salty taste then add more salt.

Fill the mason jars with salted filtered water covering the cauliflower.  Make sure you leave room for the fermentation stone.

Place a fermenting stone (you can also use a heavy flat candle holder, a large clean rock, etc.) over the cauliflower to keep it submerged under the water. (click here to order fermenting stones)

Place a plastic lid on jar and close, but not too tight.  (click here to order plastic lids)

Leave the ferment jar in room temperature and check on it occasionally, especially the first few days, to ensure that the vegetables are submerged.  I prefer to open mine a few hours after preparing and occasionally thereafter (2 x's per week) to ensure all is well.  

My cauliflower ferments commonly take about 2-3 weeks to reach preferred texture.  I prefer mine a little crunchy so you can leave it at room temperature for several more weeks, if you like.  Once you are happy with the flavor and texture, place in the refrigerator and enjoy for weeks to come. Unless of course you are like me and go through it within days.  :)


Give it a try and don't be afraid to make mistakes.  As long as you keep the vegetables submerged all should be fine.  If the vegetables are exposed to oxygen then mold may begin to grow. Using proper weight to keep the vegetables submerged can avoid mold from forming.

Don't forget to save the juice from the ferment. You can drink it straight up or you can add it to salad dressings, sauces and smoothies for more probiotic punch!

Enjoy and let me know if you decide to FERMENT!

Love, Gigi