Gentle Meadows

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Homemade Electrolyte Drink

This homemade drink is perfect as a "replenish" drink after exercise, as a daily drink to ensure that you are getting enough of those crucial electrolyte minerals, or for a rehydration drink after or during a flu or sickness. Dehydration can be very serious and should never be ignored. Some signs and symptoms include: Dry sticky mouth, sleepiness/less active, thirst, decreased urine output, muscle weakness, headache, dizziness or lightheaded, low blood pressure, sunken eyes, rapid heartbeat...  

The major electrolytes found within the body include calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphate and chloride, and let's not forget bicarbonate. Electrolyte functions include regulating your heartbeat to allowing your muscles to contract so you can move. When we exercise we lose high concentrations of sodium and chloride through sweat, followed by potassium and magnesium.  Since it is difficult for many to get their daily allowance of potassium, I include a potassium source to our electrolyte drinks.

Commercial Electrolyte Drinks are full of artificial flavors, table sugar, citric acid, dextrose, and some contain brominated vegetable oil as a stabilizer. Making your own is not only healthier but usually more cost effective. 


  • 6 Cups of Filtered Water

  • 1 Cup of Coconut Water

  • 1/2 - 3/4 Cup of Organic Citrus Juice

  • 1/2 Teaspoon of Salt

  • 1/4 Teaspoon of Baking Soda

  • 1/4 Cup of Raw Honey

FILTERED WATER - Our bodies are approximately 60% water,  your brain is 70%  and your lungs are nearly 90% water. We need water!  See my blog post on water filters here.

COCONUT WATER for Potassium - crucial to heart function and plays a key role in skeletal and smooth muscle contraction, making it important for normal digestive and muscular function. You could also use a high grade Potassium Chloride Powder.

NATURAL SALT (CELTIC/ PINK SALT, etc. ) for Sodium & Chloride - Sodium helps control blood pressure and regulates the function of muscles and nerves and Chloride is needed to keep the proper balance of body fluids. It is an essential part of digestive (stomach) juices.  Read my blog post on Salt here.

BAKING SODA FOR Bicarbonate -  Bicarbonate is necessary for digestion. When ingested with mineral water, it helps buffer lactic acid generated during exercise and also reduces the acidity of dietary components. Finally, it plays a major role in the acid-base balances in the human body. 

LEMON, ORANGE, GRAPEFRUIT, AND/OR FRESH ORGANIC LIME JUICE - Lemon, lime, tangerine, grapefruit and orange juice all have the necessary minerals. Citrus fruits contain sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous = Electrolytes!

RAW HONEY (or natural sweetener of your choice) for glucose -  Adding glucose helps with the absorption and assimilation of the minerals into the small intestine making total absorption more efficient. It also provides energy and makes the drink sweet!  


Magnesium is another mineral that most westerners are deficient in and I recommend Magnesium Transdermal Therapy as your first go to for a Magnesium source and then do your best to get it from whole foods.  You can see a list of foods high in Magnesium here and read about Magnesium Transdermal Therapy here.  You can order Magnesium Transdermal Spray in Gigi's store, or make your own.  

Calcium is a mineral that I do not believe most are deficient in, even though some experts would disagree with me. If you are getting enough of the co-factor minerals your calcium will be directed where it needs to go.  So many of our foods are fortified with calcium and it's widely available in plant and dairy sources.  

Phosphorus is another electrolyte mineral primarily used for growth and repair of body cells and tissues. Phosphorus can be found naturally in foods especially rich in meats, poultry, fish, nuts, beans and dairy products. According to the National Kidney Association Phosphorus found in animal foods is absorbed more easily than phosphorus found in plant foods.

Let me know what you think of this homemade electrolyte drink!

To Wellness,


The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition