Gentle Meadows

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Love your Liver...

Daily I receive private messages from past and newly referred peeps on how to better their health. Recently it seems that many requests are asking how to eat smart when preparing for pregnancy.  This question makes me smile due to the fact that, in years past, this question was usually asked following conception. As we know, great nutrition is important in all phases of our lives and even more so as we prepare for pregnancy.  One very important part of preparing for pregnancy is enhancing liver health ensuring that nutrition is being assimilated and toxins are being eliminated.  

Note: This post is not just for those who are preparing for pregnancy, but for anyone who is looking to improve their health, with a specific focus on liver support.


Our livers are responsible for converting fats, proteins and carbohydrates to energy and nutrients, for creating bile to break down fats and eliminate fat-soluble toxins and excess substances, including excess hormones and copper and toxins.  Hormone levels as well as Copper levels beneficially rise during pregnancy causing an extra load on our liver function.  It makes since to prepare one's body for pregnancy by not only ensuring that nutrient-dense foods are consumed, but that one of our major detox pathways  is functioning optimally.


Conversion of nutrients for assimilation

Conversion of toxins for elimination

Breakdown and/or Elimination of toxins

Production of proteins (with the help of Vitamin K)

Fat Metabolism

Bile Production

Blood sugar regulation

Storage & release unit for Vitamins and Minerals (iron/copper)

Metabolism of proteins/amino acids


Eat Nutrient Dense Foods That Support The Liver: clean & well-sourced vegetables (make sure to add some bitter-tasting leafy greens, like collards or Swiss chard to raise levels of glutathione), fresh herbs (for glutathione, digestive enzymes, and antimicrobial agents),  fruits (especially high antioxidant fruits), raw nuts & seeds, traditionally prepared ancient grains, beans (soaked), full fat foods (butter, ghee, and coconut oil, whole or raw milk dairy products, fermented foods, pasture raised eggs, grass-fed meat and beef liver 1 or 2x per week. Note: I recommend paying close attention how your food is sourced and prepared.  How it was grown/raised & processed to how you prepare it to enhance digestion and assimilation.  

Hydrate:  Water flushes the tissues of the liver and aids in removing toxins allowing it to focus on it's cleansing process. Make sure you drink enough water for your body weight and activity level.  For more on the importance of water and for my recommendations on water filters, visit my post on water. 

What to Avoid/Limit: GMO foods, dyes, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, caffeine, high fructose corn syrup, fruit juices (unless freshly squeezed) packaged foods with fillers, refined grains (especially grains that have been fortified) non-organic sugars, processed meats, soy, corn, safflower, sunflower, canola and peanut oils.  Note: I think it is prudent to mention over the counter medication and prescription drugs as items to take into consideration.  Although I would never recommend that you cease taking a prescription drug that is prescribed to you, I do strongly encourage you to do your research and talk to your doctor about the implications and/or alternatives, if any.  If you are taking prescription drugs, all the more reason to support your liver function. :)

Consider your Gut Health:  Reportedly,  1/3 of the population is affected by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and one of the causes points to unhealthy gut flora. One reason is the importance of gut flora in digesting and absorbing choline which is an important nutrient that liver function requires, as well as metabolism control of bile acid.  Without diverting this post to a Gut Health Topic here are a few tips to enhancing your gut flora: Eat a variety of nutrients dense foods-especially plant foods, eat fermented and cultured foods, eat pre-biotic foods (fiber/complex carbs), eat foods rich in Polyphenols.

Consider External Toxins: The external environment contributes to most of the load of toxins that the liver has to detoxify.  The air we breathe, both outdoors and indoors, the soap, shampoo, makeup, hair products, laundry detergent, cleaners, candles, etc., all contribute to the toxic load.  I personally recommend identifying possible toxins in your environment and learning how to make cleaner choices. 

Exercise: The liver stores and processes blood making circulation an important part of the liver effectiveness. During physical activity the heart pumps more blood allowing the liver to release blood to your organs, brain, tendons/joints, and muscles.  This exercise induced blood flow carries nutrients to our digestive system enhancing more regular bowel movements. Exercise is an important part of overall wellness including liver support.

MindBody:  (A topic that is near and dear to my heart and I will save my testimony for another post.)  Inhibited liver function has been tied to physical and psychological symptoms such as brain fog, rib pain, dizziness, headaches, aches & pains and digestive orders.  Research shows that changes in the HPA axis caused by stress can promote inflammation and liver damage and research additionally shows that a damaged liver is said to block healthy emotional flow.  I believe that the mindbody is so closely connected that perhaps we should ask the question, "What came first the chicken or the egg?" or rather,  "What came first the repressed emotions/stress or reduced liver function?"  More on this topic in a later post, but take care of your stress levels and pay attention to YOU!

Supplementation:  I don't recommend specific cleanses for liver health, yet I do recommend a few "support" items to add to your nutritional regime.  A few of these are:  dandelion root tea, nettle infusions, ACV, lemon, beets, sunflower lecithin, and castor oil packs.

 What are you doing to support your liver?



The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition