Gentle Meadows

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Oil Pulling & Toothpaste

I am a firm believer in the practice of oil pulling for great dental hygiene.  I started oil pulling a few years ago, and it has improved my dental health.  No more plaque buildup and no more bleeding gums. I have only had 1 cavity my entire life, so I won't attribute that to oil pulling, but I will attribute it to that fact that we drank fresh spring water from a natural spring all of my childhood and ate primarily a traditional diet of homegrown veggies, fruits and grass-fed meats. We weren't perfect by any means, but for the sake of a small budget, we ate a traditional diet.  I guess now a days many think it's cheaper to eat the fast food /pre-packaged diet that is void of minerals.  I beg to differ that it has to be cheaper, but I will save that for a different post.  

Why I decided to try Oil Pulling

A few years ago I was having a routine dental cleaning and I was told that I needed a periodontal cleaning that would include 4 different visits.  To make a long story short, let me just tell you that I ended up with a swollen jaw the size of a softball and an infection that took months and heavy doses of antibiotics and antibiotic rinses to get rid of.  The next year we had moved to a different state, so I visited a new dentist for a routine cleaning and I was told that I needed periodontal cleaning, again!  Really? My previous dentist told me that I wouldn't need it for years as I was clean as a whistle and was a "slow" plaque generator.  I told my new dentist that I had received a complete periodontal cleaning only 1 year prior and they quickly agreed that I could wait a few years.  Thanks for the up sell, but no thank you.

So, I decided to take this part of my dental health into my own hands. I researched holistic dental hygiene therapies and came across numerous testimonies and a few studies done on Ayurveda Medicine and the practice of oil pulling.  In Ayurveda Medicine, the practice of oil pulling for dental health goes back about 3,000 years.  Oil Pulling reportedly has recently (1992) resurged with great success in several medical practices.  Let me be clear, I am not telling you to skip dental care, but what I would like to get across to those who are interested, is to take control of your own dental health and your own overall health. Keeping in mind, conventional medicine/dentistry is big business.  I agree that scientific studies are of importance and I research everything and look and read studies on a daily basis, but I have found that the quality control failures are many, as such that studies are wrongly used to the limit the use of traditional medicine, when research has found that in the US, 51% of FDA approved drugs have serious side effects not detected prior to their approval.  The incidence of serious and fatal adverse drug reactions in US hospitals is reaching between the 4th & 6th leading cause of death in the US.  

One little study worth noting was a study done on oil pulling with sesame oil (group 1) versus chlorhexidine mouthwash (group 2).  Chlorhexidine is a form of bleach that is "reportedly" safe to use on the skin and other bodily surfaces.  Interestingly, both groups showed the same substantial reduction in bacteria including Streptococcus mutans.  This little study, along with hundreds and hundreds of testimonies was enough for me to give oil pulling a try, not to mention that I loved the idea of using a healthy oil to rid my mouth of bacteria verses over the counter mouth washes. I am happy to report that I am still oil pulling today, and I can personally attest to the results. 

How to Oil Pull

Chose a raw/organic cold pressed oil (coconut oil/sesame oil are my favorites and I love to switch them around from time to time)  

First thing in the morning take 1 tablespoon of oil and swish in your mouth for approximately 20 minutes. You may have to work up to 20 minutes.  A good time to do this is when you are in the shower or getting ready for your day.

Avoid swallowing the oil. The oil will be full of bacterial pulled from your teeth and gums.

Spit the oil and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water and brush your teeth with your favorite non-toxic toothpaste.  I prefer Dr. Bronner's toothpaste as it contains 70% organic ingredients and none of the ingredients that I prefer to avoid and are found in conventional/mainstream toothpaste; or I occasionally make my own with equal parts of coconut oil, baking soda  and organic flavor extract like peppermint, cinnamon or licorice.  There are many homemade toothpaste recipes on the web.  Let us know if you find one that is a must share.

Oil Pulling Claims via numerous testimonials

  • Significant reduction in plaque/tartar

  • Increased gum health

  • Whiter teeth

  • Migraine headache relief

  • Correcting hormone imbalances

  • Reducing inflammation of arthritis

  • Reduction of indigestion

  • Aids in the reduction of eczema

  • Reduces sinus congestion

  • Aids in sleeping difficulties 

  • Aids in reducing pain

  • Reduces the symptoms of allergies

  • Helps detoxify the body of harmful metals and organism