Gentle Meadows

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Rose Hip Vinaigrette

Like many of you, I look into my pantry on a daily basis and I wonder what I can make with all these wonderful ingredients that will give me great nutrition and flavor.  Today when I peered into my pantry I saw the Rose Hips starring at me, begging me to create something.  I have made Rose Hip Spread many times and wondered what else these SUPERFOOD seeds could create.  My first thought was, "what do I need?"  Vinaigrette popped into my head and I began a simple creation. It turned out so flavorful and this recipe leaves so much room for creativity based upon flavor preference. The best's so nutritious!

Benefits of Rose Hip Seeds

A Rose Hip is the fruit  or seed pod of the rose plant.  Some reports claim that wild varieties have the highest concentration of Vitamin C, with some estimates reporting 30-50 times the Vitamin C of oranges.  Rose Hip, also known as Rose Hep is so packed with nutrients that I consider it a SUPER FOOD!  Known for it's Vitamin C content, Rose Hip also contain vitamins A, B-3, D and E as well as bioflavonoids, citric acid, flavonoids, fructose, malic acid, tannins and zinc.  Because Rose Hips contain a variety of antioxidant; carotenoids, flavonoids, polphenols, leucanthocyanins and catechins, Rose Hips are considered to be a good cancer preventative and the natural pectin found in Rose Hips is beneficial for gut health.

Rose Hip Vinaigrette Ingredients

1/4 Cup of Seedless Rose Hip Seeds (you can find online.  I buy mine at Natural Grocers)

1 Cup of Filtered Water (I use the Berkey Filter)

1/4 -1/2 Cup of Raw Coconut Vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar (I Coconut Secret Raw Coconut Vinegar and Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar).  The benefits of Raw Coconut Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar deserve a separate post!

Fresh grown Rosemary (or any other herb of your choice- I grow my own)

Fresh grown Thyme (or any other herb of your choice - I grow my own))

Juice of 1 fresh organic lemon


For those of you who like and Oil & Vinegar can add Olive Oil to this recipe

Be creative with your herbs and flavoring - try dill, basil, cilantro...)


Simmer Rose Hip Seeds and Water (with lid) for approximately 30 minutes.  Set aside to cool.

Drain Rose Hip Water into a large class bowl or measuring cup and mush as much juice out of the Rose Hip Seeds are you can.  You can use a fine mesh stainless steel strainer or cheesecloth to get the most out of those simmered seeds.  (Put the seeds aside and make some Rose Hip Spread!)

Pour Rose Hip juice and remaining ingredients into a quart size mason jar (or jar of your choice). Shake well and store in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks!  
