Gentle Meadows

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Chocolate Covered Brazil Nuts

Cacao Covered Brazil Nuts made with Raw Cacao, Coconut Oil & Raw Honey (see my healthy chocolate recipe) are not only delicious but they are nutritious.  

Of course you can use any kind of nut you like or even a variety of raw nuts together, I like to keep raw Brazil nuts on hand for the specific mineral benefits that I need in my nutrition protocol. 1 of Brazil Nuts can provide about 20% of the daily value of phosphorus, 8% of the daily value of zinc, 15% of the daily value of manganese, 25% of the daily value of magnesium and 780% of the daily value of selenium. Not to mention Brazil nuts are a great source of Thiamine and Vitamin E.  

One of the many cool facts about Cacao, besides that fact that it tastes good, is that it is the highest source of magnesium and chromium of any food! Magnesium is the most deficient mineral in the average human. All of the compounds found in raw cacao benefits longevity in humans. For my healthy chocolate recipe with Raw Cacao, click here.

Here's to healthy snacks with a mineral punch!