Gentle Meadows

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Rose Hip Spread

Rose Hip spread is not only delicious, but nutritious! A great way to get your Vitamin C needs for the day.

A Rose Hip is the fruit  or seed pod of the rose plant.  Some reports claim that wild varieties have the highest concentration of Vitamin C, with some estimates reporting 30-50 times the Vitamin C of oranges.  Rose Hip, also known as Rose Hep is so packed with nutrients that I consider it a SUPER FOOD!  Known for it's Vitamin C content, Rose Hip also contain vitamins A, B-3, D and E as well as bioflavonoids, citric acid, flavonoids, fructose, malic acid, tannins and zinc.  Because Rose Hips contain a variety of antioxidant; carotenoids, flavonoids, polphenols, leucanthocyanins and catechins, Rose Hips are considered to be a good cancer preventative and the natural pectin found in Rose Hips is beneficial for gut health.

Rose Hip Spread Recipe:

1/2 C of dried organic Rose Hips ground to a fine powder (I use my coffee bean grinder). You can also place 1/2 C of dried organic Rose Hips in boiling water and reduce to simmer for several minutes until hips are soft and remove seeds.

1 Tbsp. of apple cider vinegar or organic fruit juice of choice (I love the benefits of ACV and the tart taste)

1 tsp. of organic sweetener of choice to taste (raw honey, molasses, maple syrup) 

Mix all ingredients together and serve on organic sprouted bread, organic crackers, raw cheese or organic fruit!

It's deliciously tart and sweet.  Feel free to experiment with organic fruit juices and sweeteners of your choice.